InPursuit of Dreams Inc.

Personal Coaching • Team Building • Time Management • Communication • Diversity • Analysis and Reconfiguration of Strategic Plans • Winning Cultures • Management and Leadership Training … and much more.


InPursuit of Dreams Inc. is a concept that is dedicated to producing successful results and outcomes based on proven coaching strategies. InPursuit has yielded a proven track record of assisting individuals and organizations in developing and maintaining high performance based cultures in rapidly changing and evolving environments.

The goal is to assist in transitioning visions into reality. Many successful companies and institutions have begun to utilize result driven coaching and strategic analytical consulting as a way to maneuver through obstacles which impedes performance and alters culture therefore draining valuable energy and financial resources needed to create maximal results.

“Reflections of Peace & Purpose” is based on a philosophy of, “Where there is no peace there is no productivity”.

Through the use of workshops or retreats this consulting concept demonstrates how the peace provides clarity that moves the client towards a desired outcome. The delivery of service is customized to the culture and/or the personality of the client providing them with the ability to move their visions from concept to reality yielding personal or professional fulfillment. Contained within these sessions the consultants offer both private and group sessions assisting the client in the design of metrics for inputs and outputs matching their professional and/or personal expected outcomes.

Goal To Gold


Goal to Gold is a full service performance based program, which specializes in the development of cohesive and focused teams and individuals. Necessary tools are provided to Corporations, Institutions and Department Leaders who have a desire to enhance or create exceptional performances and performers within their environment. This concept has been utilized and proven in working with executives, athletes, individuals and teams in developing and maintaining a high performance based mindset to overcome challenges within their environments.

How It Works. Beverly and her team create customized programs based on each vision to work seamlessly with the existing culture and goals of our clients. The goal is to assist in transitioning the client’s vision to gold medal performances hence the tag “Goal to Gold”.

1. Identify Goals, Articulate the Goal, Action towards Goal

2. Successful Solutions

3. Maximizing the Moment

4. Superior Focus

5. Goal -Winning Culture - (Desired Outcome)

All three of these philosophies can be mixed, matched or rolled into one concept customizing the service delivery for that client alone, providing them with the tools and insights to move forward and be successful.